Up Date of British Columbia Geo Log I Cal Sur Vey Geospatial Databases and Ap Pli Ca Tions
The Fra ser In sti tute’s An nual Sur vey of Min ing Com pa nies 2005/2006 rec og nized Brit ish Co lum bia as hav ing the top-ranked geo log i cal da ta base in the world. More than 300 min ing, ex plo ra tion and con sult ing com pa nies re sponded and rated BC’s at trac tive ness for in vest ment in min eral ex plo ra tion and mine de vel op ment. In 2005, these min ing com pa nies in vested ap prox i mately $2 bil lion in ex plo ra tion world wide. In BC, the in dus try in vested ap prox i mately $200 mil lion in the same pe riod. This rank ing, in com par i son with 64 ju ris dic tions, is a strong in di ca tor of the com pet i tive ad van tage that re sults from a su pe rior geo log i cal da ta base as well as the opportunity to attract a larger share of worldwide expenditures.
منابع مشابه
British Columbia’s Property File: Project Update and a Case Study of an Integrated MapPlace Analysis of a Target Hidden in the Files
The Brit ish Co lum bia Geo log i cal Sur vey (BCGS) is the pro vin cial agency re spon si ble for the min eral re sources of the prov ince of BC. As part of its over all man date, the BCGS has de vel oped the MapPlace website as its pri mary re search and in for ma tion source. MapPlace com prises nu mer ous in te grated da ta bases and ap pli ca tions re lated to the ge ol ogy and min eral re...
متن کاملGeology and Mineral Occurrences of the Hendrix Lake Area ( NTS 093 A / 02 ) , South - Central British Columbia
The Takomkane pro ject is a multiyear bed rock map ping pro gram ini ti ated by the Brit ish Co lum bia Geo log i cal Sur vey dur ing the 2005 field sea son. This pro gram is fo cused on Me so zoic arc vol ca nic and plutonic rocks of the Quesnel Terrane in the vi cin ity of the Takomkane batholith, which strad dles the Bonaparte Lake (NTS 092P) and Quesnel Lake (NTS 093A) map sheets (Fig 1). P...
متن کاملMineralization, Alteration and Structure of the Taseko Lakes Region (NTS 092O/04), Southwestern British Columbia: Preliminary Analysis
This two-year re search pro ject will in ves ti gate the char ac ter is tics of the volcanoplutonic ar chi tec ture and as so ci ated por phyry-epi ther mal min er al iza tion in the Taseko Lakes re gion, lo cated in south west ern Brit ish Co lum bia (Fig 1). The study will in te grate de tailed geo log i cal, struc tural and al ter ation map ping, pe trol ogy, iso tope geo chem is try and geo...
متن کاملUsk Map Area (NTS 103I/09), Near Terrace, British Columbia: Cross-Sections and Volcanic Facies Interpretation
In the sum mer of 2005, one ge ol o gist and three ge ol ogy stu dents work ing for the Brit ish Co lum bia Geo log i cal Sur vey, along with three Kitselas First Na tion re source tech ni cians, sur veyed the Usk map area, near Ter race, BC (Fig. 1). A ma jor ob jec tive of the pro ject was to iden tify sub di vi sions within the Telkwa For ma tion, a unit that had pre vi ously been un di vide...
متن کاملGeology and Mineral Occurrences of the Quesnel Terrane,
The Takomkane Pro ject is a multiyear bed rock map ping pro gram ini ti ated by the BC Geo log i cal Sur vey in 2005. This pro gram will con cen trate on Me so zoic arc vol ca nic and plutonic rocks of the Quesnel Terrane in the vi cin ity of the Takomkane batholith, which strad dles the Bonaparte Lake (92P) and Quesnel Lake (93A) map sheets (Fig. 1). Pre vi ous bed rock maps of the area are ba...
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تاریخ انتشار 2007